Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's Never Too Late...

We are always so touched by the donations we get for Andy. Sometimes they are from a close friend, or someone who we knew a long time ago but have lost touch with, or sometimes a stranger. Each gift though is special because it has taken some kind of sacrifice, and has been a part of each person. A particularly special gift came from our friend Nance last week. She and her husband Greg have been dear friends to Jon and me in Charlottesville over the past several years. Nance lost her mom a few years ago, and if she was anything like Nance, she was a great woman. In order to give Andy a financial gift, Nance sold a piece of her mom's jewelry (gold brings a high dollar these days!) and donated the profit from it to our race fund. She said it was a charm that read, "It's Never too Late". She said her mom would have been so happy to have given to Andy. We love you Nance and are grateful for your generosity and for your mom!

Nance will probably laugh when she sees this picture- its from a local paper a couple of years ago who spotted her fashion sense. Isn't she cute??

P.S. Nance is also an amazing artist and author. Here is her website.

P.P.S. Only 3 more weeks until our race!!!

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