Sunday, March 6, 2011

Living Philanthropic

Hello friends,
I'm writing from my cozy little office, watching the rain pour down the window. I have had a smile on my face today because of an amazing little $5 gift to Andy.

In December, Jon told me about a man who has decided to give to someone or an organization everyday for 365 days. I thought that was such a great goal and I immediately started following him on Facebook and subscribed to his blog. I also told him about Andy. I told him his story, and our small ambition to run for him and give him some money. I didn't really expect for him to email me back or even consider giving our fund money- it seemed that he was giving to organizations mostly.

Then at 7:00 this morning, I got an email from Andy (sent at 4:14 A.M. undoubtedly awake and uncomfortable) that said:
You received a payment of $5.00 USD from Carlo Garcia.

I rolled back over, wondering "Who is Carlo Garcia??" I thought, maybe some random person just stumbled across our blog and was feeling generous.... or maybe this is one of Andy's friends in Chicago.

Then, I just started to laugh like a crazy person and woke Jon up. I said, "Do you remember that guy who gives to someone everyday? WELL LOOK AT THIS!!!" (click on the link below :) )

Living Philanthropic-Running for Andy

He chose to give to our little mission! I was so grateful that someone who doesn't even know us gave $5 to our cause. Its not a lot, but it showed me how if everyone just gave a small amount, how much good could be done. I want to give generously of myself and my resources- even if its small. You never know how your small gift could change someone and bring goodness. In the words of Carlo, "
This mission is built on a belief that you don't have to be rich in dollars to make a difference, you only need to be rich in spirit. I may not always be able to give a lot, but I will Give Everyday. "

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